
Day 91 Paraphrase 句子改写技巧

  1. 原题:Some people say that main environmental problem of our time is the loss of particular species of plants and animals.

  2. 改写Some people consider that the loss of individual species of plants and animals is the main environmental problem of our time.

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Day 81 同位语从句 = 前面修饰的名词

  1. 句子It's an unsettling thought that extreme temperatures are the new normal for this generation of children.

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  • 参数的点估计就是根据样本构造的一个统计量,把这个统计量称作总体总体参数的估计量

  • 无偏性、渐进无偏性、有效性、相合性(一致性)都是对与样本统计量好坏的一种度量

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Day 31 summarize & compare the trend and key features

  1. 句子A whopping 83 per cent of us wolud like to see Australia rely more on solar power, while 68% would like to see more wind and 62% more hydro power.

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