

Day 81 同位语从句 = 前面修饰的名词

  1. 句子It's an unsettling thought that extreme temperatures are the new normal for this generation of children.

  2. 生词

    • unsettling adj. 使某人感到不安的 upset/anxious
  3. 句式
    • It's a/an + adj. +n. +that + 同位语
      • It's an unsettling thought/news that
      • It's a fun fact that
      • It's a a happy accidence that we ran into each other.
      • It's an universally acknowledged truth that
    • the new normal 最近才有的新的惯例(现在出门戴口罩)
  4. 翻译:一个不安的想法是对于孩子这一代人,极端的温度已经是一个新的趋势。

  5. 默写:It's an unsettling thought that extreme temperatures are the new normal for this generation of children.

  6. 造句

    • It is a terrible news that the US government prohibits Chinese students from gaining American visa.

Day 82

  1. 句子The development aims to ease the city's chronic housing crisis - and to challenge the mindset that indigeneity and urbanity are incompatible.
  2. 生词
    • chronic adj. 慢性的
    • mindset n. 已有的观念 ideology/perspective
    • indigeneity adj. 传统的,本土的 indigenous/aboriginal 原住民的
    • urbanity adj. 现代的
    • incompatible adj. 不可共存的
  3. 句式
    • ease housing crisis/the pain/the burden
    • challenge the mindset
  4. 翻译:这个发展(在温哥华土著区建两座大楼)旨在缓解住房压力同时挑战传统的观念,即传统的和现代的不能共存的观念。
  5. 默写:The development aims to ease the city's chronic housing crisis - and to challenge the mindset that indigeneity and urbanity are incompatible.
  6. 造句
    • The policy that school should reduce student's academic burden aims to ease the curricular pressure of student and challenge the mindset that good education and less academic burden are incompatible.

Day 83 would have us believe that the fact ... means ...

  1. 句子:Some media commentary would have us believe that the fact the reef was not listed as endangered means any concerns about its well-being are entirely misplaced.
  2. 生词
    • would have us believe sth. 使我们相信(贬义)
    • endangerd adj. 濒危的
    • misplaced adj. 不合时宜的
      • misplaced confidence
      • misplaced trust/loyalty
  3. 句式
    • The fact that +同位语+ means ...
  4. 翻译:一些媒体的评论引导我们相信,没有把珊瑚列入濒危物种的这个事实意味着任何对它安危的关心都是完全不合时宜的。
  5. 默写:Some media commentary would have us believe that the fact the reef was not listed as endangered means any concerns about its well-being are entirely misplaced.
  6. 造句
    • Some teachers from training institutions would have us believe that the fact method is more important than practice in learning English means a lot practice is entirely misplaced.

Day 84 The misguided belief that ... means ...

  1. 句子The misguided belief that searching always results in learning means much classroom practice focuses on searching to learn, rarely on learning to search.
  2. 句式
    • The msiguided belief that + 同位语 + means + 宾语
    • searching always results in learning
    • searching(means) to learn(end) \(\Leftrightarrow\) learning(means) to search(end)
    • the uncertainty of chaos \(\Leftrightarrow\) the chaos of uncertainty --
  3. 翻译:一个错误的观念认为搜索可以驱动学习,这意味着更多课堂练习关注于用搜索的方法去学习,而不是关注于学习搜索的方法。
  4. 默写:The misguided belief that searching leads to always results in learning means much classroom practice focuses on searching to learn, rarely on learning to search.
  5. 造句
    • The misguided belief that parents are always right means many children focuses on the methods told by their parients, rarely on thinking by themselves.

Day 85 Tipping Points

  1. 句子There is growing evidence = (that Earth's systems are heading towards climate "tipping points" beyond which change becomes abrupt and unstoppable.)
  2. 生词
    • evidence 不可数名词,前后不加a, the,s
    • head towards 向着某处前进
    • tipping points 顶点(起步很艰难,过了这个点后会很顺利)
  3. 句式
    • There be
    • beyond which / after which
  4. 翻译:越来越多的证据表明,地球系统正朝着气候的“临界点”迈进,变化变得突然而势不可挡。
  5. 默写:There are is growing evidence that Earth's systems are heading towards climate "tipping points" beyond which the change becomes abrupt and unstoppable.
  6. 造句
    • There is growing evidence that Artificial Intelligent are heading towards the tipping points beyond which technology revolution becomes abrupt and unstoppable.

Day 86 呈上启下,说出事物不好的一面

  1. 句子However, reaching the conclusion that change is inevitable is not the same as assuming that change is always for the better.
  2. 生词
    • inevitable 不可避免的
    • is not the same as + n. 并不等同于
  3. 句式
    • Reaching the conclusion that + 同位语 + is 
    • assuming that change is always for the better. 这里为宾语从句,并非同位语从句(assuming the fact that)
  4. 翻译:但是,结论说改变是不可避免的并不等同于假设改变是更好的。
  5. 默写:However, reaching the conclusion that change is inevitable is not the same as assuming that change is always for the better.
  6. 造句
    • However, reaching the conclusion that drinking water is good for our health is not the same as assuming that drinking water is always for the better.
    • However, reaching the conclusion that technology is game-changer is not the same as assuming that technology is always for the better.

Day 87 bounce & deeply entrenched

  1. 句子While Spain has largely bounced back from the economic crisis of 2008, the internas' stories are a reminder that the recovery masks deeply entrenched socio-economic problems.
  2. 生词
    • bounce back from/to = recover 经历低估后返回
    • economic crisis = economic recession 经济危机/衰退
    • internas‘ = live in maid = carer 女佣
    • mask = cover up 覆盖
    • deeply entrench = deeply rooted + problem/stigma/bias 根深蒂固的
    • socio-economic 社会经济的
  3. 句式
    • While ... has largely bounced back from the economic crisis
    • sth are a reminder that the recovery masks deeply entrenched socio-economic problems.
  4. 翻译虽然西班牙从2008年的经济危机中恢复过来了,但是女佣的故事作为一个警醒,(告诉我们,经济的)恢复掩盖了一些根深蒂固的社会经济问题。
  5. 默写:While Spain has largely bounced back from the economic crisis of 2008, the internas' stories are a reminder that the recovery masks deeply entrenched socio-economic problems.
  6. 造句
    • While Wenchuan has largely bounded back from the earthquake of 2008, the story of corruption in charity is a remainder that the recovery masks deeply entrenched political problems.
    • While China has largely bounded back from the epidemic of 2020, the whistle-blowers' stories are a reminder that the recovery masks deeply entrenched policial problems.

Day 88 extended family fragment into

  1. 句子This is the story of our times--the story of the family, once a dense cluster of many siblings and extended kin, fragmenting into ever smaller and more fragile forms.
  2. 生词
    • extended family vs. nuclear family 大家庭vs小家庭
    • kin 集合名词,不用加s,表示远亲
    • siblings 兄弟姐妹,可数
    • break into pieces = fragment into 分裂
  3. 句式
    • 主句 This is the story of family. 后面的是同位语+现在分词结构修饰family
    • 插入语,两个逗号隔开,这里是同位语,没有that连接
  4. 翻译:这是我们这个时代的故事——关于家庭的故事,曾经一个有很多兄弟姐妹和亲戚的大集合,分裂成了非常小的、破碎的形式。
  5. 默写:This is the story of our times -- the story of the family, once a dence cluster of many siblings and extended kin, fragementing into ever smaller and more fragile forms.
  6. 造句
    • This is the theory of Big Bang -- the theory of the universe, once a dence cluster of energy, fragmenting into smaller pieces(planets and stars).
    • This is the theory of being -- the theory of the cell, once a zygote full of energy, fragementing into trillions of cells making up our body.

Day 89 Nuro&Sportlogiq

  1. 句子:Nuro , a self-driving tech startup created by two former Google engineers , says it's the first company to win approval from U.S. regulators to test its battery-powered driverless delivery vehicles on public streets.
  2. 生词
    • tech startup 科技创业公司
    • approval 批准,授权
    • regulators 监管部门
    • battery-powered 电池供电的(不烧油的)
    • driverless(=self-driving) delivery vehicles 无人送货车
  3. 句式
    • Nure后面的','跟的市 名词成份做同位语
  4. 翻译:Nure是由两位前谷歌工程师创立的自动驾驶创业公司,它说它是第一家获得美国监管部门授权可以在公共道路上检测电池供电的无人驾驶的送货车的公司。
  5. 默写:Nure, a self-driving tech startup created by two formar Google engineers, says it's the first company to win the approval from U.S regulators to test the battery-powered driverless delivery car vehicles on the public streets.
  6. 造句
    • Sportlogiq, a tech startup concentrating on the intersection of sports and advanced AI technology, says it's products offer insights to help teams, sach as hockey, soccer and football, make smarter decisions and also to help broadcasters and media bring their audience closer to the game with deeper analysis.

Day 90 议题引出 climate change/parenting/gov. spending/racism/reform of education/genetic engineering

  1. 句子The issue of climate change has become a battle of ideologies, values and worldviews, something that become much more pronounced in the last decade thanks to our political class and to parts of the media.
  2. 生词
    • ideologies, values, worldviews 意识形态,价值观,世界观
    • pronounced=obvious=easier to notice adj. 显著的,显而易见的
    • thanks to 多亏了,由于
    • class 阶级
      • political class 政客
      • working class 工人阶层
  3. 句式
    • views vary from person to person(nation to nation) 因人而异(主语是views)
    • The issue of climate change has become a battle of ideologies, values and worldviews, something that ...(主语是issue)
    • , something that ... 这里是同位语,解释说明climate change
  4. 翻译:气候变化的问题已经成为了一场关于意识形态,价值观和世界观的战争,由于政客们以及部分媒体的关注,这个问题在过去的十年间变得更加显著了。
  5. 默写:The issue of climate change has become a battle of ideologies, values and worldviews, something that become much more pronounced in the last dacades decade thanks to the policial class and to parts of the media.
  6. 造句
    • The issue of racism has become a battle of ideologies, values and worldviews, something that become much more pronounced in last decade thanks to our political class and to parts of the media.
    • The issue of reform of education has become...
    • The issue of genetic engineering, including food production and cloning, has become ...