

Day 31 summarize & compare the trend and key features

  1. 句子A whopping 83 per cent of us wolud like to see Australia rely more on solar power, while 68% would like to see more wind and 62% more hydro power.

  2. 生词
    • whopping = very large adj.相当大的
      • (whopping) hundreds of people 相当多的人
      • whop = hit, strike v.击打
      • screech v.发出尖叫、刺耳的声音
      • come to a screeching halt 戛然而止
    • a lion's share 绝大多数的人
  3. 句式
    • while 这里表对比
      • 虽然(放句首)= Although
      • 对比(两句中间)
      • 时间上的同时
    • 省略句,注意while后省略了"of us" 而and后面也省略了"of us"以及"would like to see"
  4. 翻译:有83%的人希望看到澳大利亚以后依赖于太阳能,而希望风能和水利发电的人分别是68%和62%。

  5. 默写:A whopping 83 per cent of us would like to see in Australia rely more on solar power, while 68% would like to see more on wind and 62% more on hydro power.

  6. 造句

    • In Peking University, 40 per cent of undergraduates would like to attend a company directly after graduate, while 30% would like to go abroad for a master or PhD degree and 30% would like to keep studying in China.